5 Facts About School Budgets - 2013

5 Facts About School Budgets - 2013

When selling to schools and teachers it is important to understand the new 2013 school budgets so you can begin planning...

When selling to schools and teachers it is important to understand the new 2013 school budgets so you can begin planning...

Ben Lewis
Ben Lewis
Published: 16th January 2013

When selling to schools and teachers it is important to understand the new 2013 school budgets so you can begin planning exactly how you can win a slice of them.

With the budgets set to increase to 97.21 billion that slice could be a healthy amount.

The 5 Key Facts consist of:

  1. 2013 budgets

  2. Budgets are increasing

  3. More Pupil Premium

  4. Where the budget is spent

  5. Specific spending

Education Budget UK School Addresses UK Primary Schools UK School List Schools Address List UK School Database

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