The 8 Teacher Sales Leads You Need to Close

The 8 Teacher Sales Leads You Need to Close

Understand the 8 different types of sales lead within schools, and how to close them.

Understand the 8 different types of sales lead within schools, and how to close them.

John Smith
John Smith
Published: 1st January 2019

#1 The Red Hot Lead

If I’m in a position where I have to be proactive in chasing down leads then Campus’s Lead Scoring feature will show me those leads that are right at the end of our sales funnel and are crying out to be closed.

These leads have accrued so many points (through a combination of recent web visits, quote requests, and correspondence) that often all they need is a quick phone call to close the sale.

Using Campus’s Touchpoints feature I can go into this call filled with confidence, knowing exactly which product or service the lead is most interested in, which quote they’ve viewed the most times, and even every correspondence they’ve ever had with the Sprint team!

#2 The Nervous Lead

The Nervous Lead is often taking its first foray into email marketing. It really wants to take the plunge and embrace our services but is being held back by a few nagging doubts.#

These leads usually look at a quote they’ve received a number of times; constantly trying to weigh up the potential benefits of committing, against the risks associated with stepping into the unknown. This lead needs empathy and reassurance. It needs me to show that I understand its concerns and provide the necessary information that will help it to justify taking that next step. I’ll often send this lead a case study written from the perspective of a previous client that shows how they took this step and never looked back!

#3 The Aficionado Lead

This lead thrives on information and has usually downloaded several of the whitepapers, eBooks, and infographics from our website. Having written many of these resources myself, I have to admit this is my favourite type of lead!

This well-informed lead doesn’t need to be sold to; it will close itself if I just keep feeding it with the information it needs in order to feel comfortable with all the subtle nuances of marketing to schools. When following up with this kindred spirit I usually refer to a key passage from a whitepaper or a particularly relevant infographic stat; thus feeding its thirst for knowledge and giving it the information it needs to move forward with an order.

#4 The Wandering Lead

The Wandering Lead is notoriously tough to close.

This lead is on a quest to find the answer to their marketing headaches. They will often request several versions of quotes and visit many different pages of your website in search of the answer that feels just right.

Before Campus, this lead would have had me chasing my tail for hours on end. With Campus however, I’m forewarned and can prepare accordingly. Simply put, this lead needs me to tell it what the answer is so that it can stop looking.

So, after doing some research into their business and delving into my experience of what has worked best for similar clients in the past, I’ll pick up the phone and tell them their quest is over – I have the answer they’ve been searching for!

#5 The Reappearing Lead

The Reappearing Lead is one of my favourites. It may have received a quote from me a few months ago before either going off the radar or letting me know that it wasn’t in a position to move forward at that time. Lead closed.

Then, a few months later, long after I’d given up on it, the Reappearing Lead suddenly pops back on my radar! They’ve revisited the quote again and started to get reacquainted with our website. Clearly something has changed; they’ve either now got a budget to move forward or have tried other avenues unsuccessfully. Before Campus I wouldn’t have even known about this, but now I can drop them an email and get things moving forward again.

Thank you Campus!

#6 The Casual Lead

A key part of following up your leads is identifying which ones to focus your energy on and which ones require you to save your effort.

The Casual Lead is often on a bit of a fact-finding mission. They’ve probably been tasked with the job of gathering a selection of quotes from a range of suppliers so that they can build up a better picture of the sector.

This lead has probably briefly checked out the online quote I sent to him and then gone completely off the radar. I’ll send them the usual follow-up email signatures but I won’t expend too much of my energy at this time. Instead I’ll wait for the lead to make contact when they’ve had chance to evaluate their findings.

#7 The Focussed Lead

Everything about the Focussed Lead tells me that they mean business. All their activity follows a very specific path, they know exactly what they want, and it’s my job to just keep them on that path until they breast the tape!

They will usually have entered our funnel by reading a specific blog or whitepaper, gone on to request a quote regarding the same service, and then visited the specific pages of our website that tell them more about how this service works.

By enabling me to spot this lead, Campus helps to ensure that I can simply hold this lead by the hand and steer it along the right path with the minimum of fuss or effort.

#8 The Expanding Lead

The Expanding Lead is the lead that Campus is really helping us to nurture and, as a result, increase our average order value.

It will start off by requesting a simple quote for a specific product such as a one-off email campaign. I’ll send that over and include a few links to pages of our website where they can find out a little bit more about some of our value adding extras.

Then the magic happens.

Using Campus I can sit back and watch that lead grow as it starts to investigate various pages of our website, such as our HTML design gallery and our Lead Analytics page.

Before long, the Expanding Lead has blossomed into a red-hot strategy opportunity and I can respond accordingly by sending them details of our discounted strategy plans!

Get to the heart of what your leads really want!

Before Campus, I hated the idea of having to sell stuff. However, Campus has made me realise that so much of ‘selling’ is simply understanding what a lead is trying to achieve and making sure I provide the best possible solution to help them achieve their goals.

And that’s Campus in a nutshell really. It will enable you and your sales team to really get to the bottom of what your clients’ needs are so that you can give them the best possible service and therefore build a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship.

Campus How to Sell to Schools How to Sell to Teachers Marketing & Sales Software for Sellers to Schools Selling to Schools Selling to Teachers

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