Top 5 Best-Performing CTAs of 2022 So Far

Top 5 Best-Performing CTAs of 2022 So Far

Discover the top five best-performing CTAs of 2022, and shape your emails to generate more site visits, teacher responses, and school sales.

Discover the top five best-performing CTAs of 2022, and shape your emails to generate more site visits, teacher responses, and school sales.

Kat Thompson
Kat Thompson
Published: 28th February 2022

Here at Sprint Education, we don’t believe in hiding our facts. We’re open about our average open and click-through rates; those of your and your competitors' education marketing email campaigns. And given our click-through rates are triple those of the industry average (3.3% and 9.89% respectively), we’re pretty proud to be shouting those from the rooftops.

But diving in deeper to the click-through rates of those that actually opened the email, the numbers can actually be even more impressive. In fact, it’s not unusual to see email campaigns with click-through rates (from those who’ve already opened the email) exceeding 100%. How? Well, a professionally designed email campaign is just the start. Dazzling copy and an eye-catching design can only go so far – it’s your actual call to action that’ll seal the deal. In most cases, offering demos, trials, freebies, and anything else of value is going to resonate far better with staff than a plain ‘learn more’. An interesting, exciting offer is what’s going to cause teachers to revisit your email multiple times, or forward it on to their colleagues – thereby hitting the sought-after above-100% click-through rate for openers.

Today, we’re counting down our top five best-performing CTAs of 2022 so far, so you know exactly what you need to offer to generate more site visits, teacher responses, and, vitally, school sales.

5. Video Views – 58.16%

Using your email to generate video views has generated high click rates for years, so it’s no wonder that they’re still just as successful in our clients’ emails today. We’ve regularly posted over the years about the impact videos can have in your email campaign – how the word ‘video’ in your subject line can increase open rates by 19%, and featuring a video front and centre can increase click-through rates by 96%.

A high-quality, engaging video appeals to time-crunched teachers who may not have the time to digest every word of your email or landing page. Even just a 30-second video can summarise everything teachers need to know about your businesses and offering, and can have the benefit of establishing a more personal connection if you use a voice-over and film featuring you and your staff. Creative videos with seamless editing, bright visuals, and an engaging script will convey the high quality of your product or service, as well as leave an impression on teachers that’ll last long after they close your email.

4. Free Trials – 60.39%

Beginning the theme of ‘freebies’ is free trials, generating an average click-through rate amongst openers of 60.39%. Free trials are a must for any edu-business offering a software package, and is becoming more and more popular with a range of STEM and sports products that can be delivered to the school, and simply collected again if they choose not to purchase them. But the beauty of a free trial is that schools find it increasingly more difficult the more they’ve tried a product. If they’ve had a one-month trial, that’s plenty of time for them to integrate the product or software package into their school day, and gain feedback from plenty of staff members and students. Once they’ve spent time inputting their own data if necessary, realised how easy the product integrates into their daily life, and seen first-hand day after day the benefits it delivers, they’ll be disappointed to return to how things were before – not to mention all the extra admin of finding something else to fill the gap your product or software package plugged.

You could spend hours of time and money trying to get across the benefits of your product in words, but you’ll know yourself the best way to understand any product or service is to see it in action. So why waste your time and money when you could simply offer a free trial, and let that do the talking to save you a job?

Promoting a free trial in an email is a sure-fire way to get teachers clicking through to your website. If it’s truly free, and truly no-obligation, they’ve got nothing to lose. All you need is an award-winning email strategy to get across the main benefits and help them picture their life during the free trial (and beyond), and they’ll be flocking in to see it in action for themselves.

3. Free Downloads – 61.18%

Businesses that have offered teachers free downloads over the last few months have seen an average click-through rate amongst those who’ve opened the email of 61.18%. Impressive stuff, if you ask us!

If you can offer something of value for teachers to take away for free, you’re extending the impact of your email long after they’ve closed their inbox. But be warned – we’re not talking about your standard sales brochure, here. This needs to be something that’s going to really help teachers save time and money in their classrooms or admin offices. Its purpose is to play the long game when it comes to generating your sales, and not jumping straight in with hard-hitting sales tactics.

For example, if you’ve given them a pack of lesson plans, they’ll see your name on their screen every time they open the document. Or if you’ve given them a free bumper value asset packed with tried-and-tested expert strategies, you may be the sole focus of the SMT’s next meeting. They may not buy from you right away, but a few months down the line when they pick up your freebie again, they’ll be reminded of how useful it is, and get back in touch with you.

From the schools’ perspective, you’ve done something incredible to help save them time and money, and they’ll think of you in a positive light. Of course, you’ll need to make sure what you’re giving away is worth something. A single, vague lesson plan won’t cut through the inbox if your competitors are offering more, and can quickly get forgotten about if they only use it once and find it didn’t save them enough time to use again, or that it didn’t meet the national curriculum, for example. Do your research to find out what your audience really needs, and make sure you’re giving something away that rivals a paid alternative to show schools you’re serious and dedicated to meeting their needs.

Did you know we offer more than just email marketing? Our education experts can create your next value asset for you to help you increase the effectiveness of your email marketing plan, generate more leads, and make more long-term sales. Get in touch today and let’s discuss your ideas.

2. Course Sign-Ups – 62.39%

A more unusual offering for this year’s second best-performing call-to-action is course sign ups. While teachers need training courses year-round, and certainly respond well to emails from clients promoting their courses, it wouldn’t be a surprise if more schools this year were reducing their course costs. The additional costs caused by the pandemic may have reduced budgets in other areas, and teachers may still be uncomfortable attending in-person courses. But education businesses like you have clearly responded to teachers’ concerns, with more and more course providers bringing their standard courses online, and passing on the savings to the schools – and in some cases, even offering an extra discount on top.

So, it’s clear that, right now, teachers are very much in the market for a wide range of courses – be it staff CPD, school-wide wellbeing, or any other manner of topics that’d prove valuable to schools. If you want to increase your course numbers, make sure you’ve got an all-star email marketing campaign to help spread the word. Let us craft your perfect campaign, while you concentrate on your brochures, landing pages, and, of course, the course content itself.

1. Demo Bookings – 101.96%

In first place, with a huge 101.96% average click-through rate among those who’ve opened the email, is the call for demo bookings. Almost 40% more successful than the second-best call-to-action, it’s clear that offering free demos to schools gives your emails – and brand – the best chance of standing out amongst a crowded inbox, and resonating with teachers for a longer period of time. Offering schools a free demo has always been one of the best things you can give. After all, schools won’t buy into many products and services, particularly those costlier than others, without seeing them in action. Going into the school or arranging a virtual meeting to deliver a demo shows your dedication, and builds a great relationship and reputation. Meeting with teachers face-to-face really is the holy grail of any customer journey, as it’s far easier to seal a business deal in person rather than via email or phone call, where the conversation can tail off. So this really is a win-win for both education businesses and schools!

Breaking the 100% barrier means that teachers either clicked links in the email multiple times, or they forwarded it on to a colleague who also clicked through to your website. Driving landing page visits is the ultimate goal of your email campaign, and this proves demo bookings are a great way to do so.

Of course, how many of those teachers go on to actually book the demo is down to a few other factors – how effective your landing page is, for example. You can’t just rely on the offer of a free demo to instantly get teachers on your side – but the offer certainly won’t hurt your chances.

So, now you know the top five best-performing CTAs of the year, the next step is to start planning your next email marketing campaign to capitalise on those high click-through rates. If you’d like some help crafting your next email strategy, with additional expert advice such as how to generate more opens in the first place, get in touch today via or 01684 297374.

Education Marketing Email Email Calls to Action Email Marketing Email Teachers Marketing to Education Marketing to Schools Marketing to Teachers Schools Marketing

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