Marketing Universities to Schools

Marketing Universities to Schools

Learn 10 game-changing insights to make your university a student's first choice by enhancing your education marketing campaigns when emailing schools.

Learn 10 game-changing insights to make your university a student's first choice by enhancing your education marketing campaigns when emailing schools.

Jackie O'Shea
Jackie O'Shea
Published: 20th May 2022

Did you know that many of the UK’s universities and colleges already use Sprint Education to connect with the key decision makers for the Higher Education Transition Phase?

Our email and postal strategies, education data, and marketing software are all focussed on helping you build those crucial relationships with staff and students in the nation’s sixth forms. So, whether you’re looking to promote clearing places, Open Days, student workshops, or staff CPD; here are 10 insights into how we can help you make your university a student’s first choice.

Insight #1: Quantities of decision-makers

You lucky devils! When it comes to a target audience, you guys are pretty spoilt for choice. Not only will you want to target the more obvious decision makers like the Head Teachers, Careers Advisors, and Exam Coordinators, but you’ve also got a whole host of other teacher types that will have an interest in you.

There are over 450,000 teachers within UK educational establishments, of which we have over 400,000 named teachers across 31,000 establishments within our Education Database. The vast majority of these will be involved one way or another with University and HE applications, and we can contact them for you.

Insight #2: A direct route to teachers’ inboxes

Not only does our database hold 400,000 named staff/teachers in the UK, but we also invest over £750k every single year in the continual development and management of our technical infrastructure to ensure our clients get the best results possible.

Our technical infrastructure is the most advanced in the sector, and we’re the only education agency to own, host, and manage our servers/IPs in-house. This means we’re in complete control of our clients’ email paths and can ensure a far superior deliverability rate.

Insight #3: Open rates are 3x the industry average

Thanks to our beefed-up emailing systems, we’re able to ensure that our clients’ open rates are 80% higher than the industry norm. However, the even better news for you lucky devils is that our university clients get the best open rates of all!

In fact, our university clients have an average open rate of 45%, which is nearly 3x the education sector average. Put simply, the teachers in our database love hearing from university education liaison teams!

Insight #4: Tap into our creative expertise

I’m sure that, like most of the universities we work with, your university has very strict branding guidelines which dictate the look and tone of your email marketing campaigns. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still tap into our sector knowledge and design expertise.

Our team of in-house experts create designs that generate, on average, 57% more leads for our clients. We design content that will make your business relevant and appealing to schools' needs, and create stunning emails which are carefully coded to be responsive and hit inboxes - and importantly, sell more of your product or service to schools.

Our design team will work within your brand guidelines while also ensuring your emails are written, designed, and coded in a way that is going to get you the very best response.

Insight #5: Grow your in-house database

When we broadcast an email direct to teachers’ inboxes on your behalf, we capture the details of every teacher that clicks on links or downloads images within the email. We can then report the contact data of these interested teachers back to you. We call this a Database of Qualified Leads.

Including this database of leads in your campaign will provide you with red-hot leads to follow up in-house, and also help you to add valuable contact data to your CRM (including the teacher’s direct email, name, position, school name, and phone number).

Insight #6: Give your emails the personal touch

Teachers don’t need marketing, they need relationships with people that can help them overcome their daily obstacles and add value to their teaching.

While it’s probably your university’s brand that is the crucial factor in getting teachers opening your email, it’s your personality that needs to shine through if your content is going to engage them.

Ensure your email is written in a personal style and positions a member of your team as the key contact that they can go to with any requirements their school or students may have.

Insight #7: Nurture relationships with Campus

Using Campus (marketing software we’ve spent two years developing in-house) we’ve transformed the way we interact with our target market; enabling us to increase referrals of our service by 88%, rocket sales by 24%, and scoop the prestigious ‘Marketing Campaign of the Year’ award.

Campus is now being used by many of the UK’s most forward-thinking education businesses, and it’s absolutely ideal for universities who are trying to build better relationships with the country’s teachers and their students. It brings all your company’s marketing functions together in one super-cool application.

Insight #8: Combine email with postal

From your prospectus and Open Day invitations through to student workshop and staff CPD brochures, I’m sure your university has a wealth of superb printed materials at its disposal. The trick is to find a way to get these under teachers’ noses without blowing your marketing budget in one fell swoop.

That’s why we create cross-channel strategies for several universities that enable them to eliminate waste and minimise costs, while also dramatically improving responses.

It’s a tried and tested approach that helps you achieve maximum impact with your marketing:

  1. Email sixth forms and colleges, generating awareness and creating a buzz.
  2. Post your brochure to just the schools/teachers that engaged with your email.
  3. Email these teachers a few days later to prompt responses.

Insight #9: Segmentation is key

Our Education Database makes it easy for you to create segmented marketing lists that comprise just the teacher types, school types, and areas of the country that your university wants to target. It also includes extremely powerful context and insight data that enables you to create extraordinarily relevant marketing.

From a breakdown of each school’s budget, to exam results, inspection ratings, and pupil/staff data, your marketing can be personalised to a remarkable degree.

Our team of talented in-house data cleansers and managers make 80,000 updates every single month, and we have the only known GDPR-compliant method in practise for gaining consent within the edu-sector. So, you can be confident that your database is not only incredibly insightful, but also extremely accurate.

Insight #10: Save over 40% with a digital strategy

Our digital strategies, incorporating all of our response-enhancing features, are not only the best way to ensure your marketing has maximum impact; they’re also the most cost-effective solution for your university.

A series of emails broadcast direct to teachers’ inboxes with design, copywriting, statistical analysis, and lead capture at every stage; a digital strategy includes everything your university will need to generate maximum impact both in the short and long term.

Why not call us for a free strategy meeting to discuss your university’s marketing in more detail?

What next?

Get in touch and ask us about what we can do for you!

Our number is 01684 297374, or you can email

That way, we can talk specifically about your university's requirements and see how we can boost your marketing effort to schools quickly and effectively.

Education Marketing How to Sell to Schools How to Sell to Teachers Marketing to Education Marketing to Schools Marketing to Teachers

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