Selling to Schools in 2014: Shocking Secret #10

Selling to Schools in 2014: Shocking Secret #10

It may seem odd to follow up shock #9 (which exalted the virtues of creating your own marketing blueprint) with shock #1...

It may seem odd to follow up shock #9 (which exalted the virtues of creating your own marketing blueprint) with shock #1...

John Smith
John Smith
Published: 10th February 2014

It may seem odd to follow up shock #9 (which exalted the virtues of creating your own marketing blueprint) with shock #10 which basically tells you to ‘throw away your marketing plan’, but stick with me… there is method to my madness!

You need a marketing blueprint to identify the best way of moving prospective clients through your sales funnel. It will enable you to ensure that your schools marketing meets their needs and moves them closer to becoming a customer.

However, you still need to be flexible with your content so that you can react quickly to the changing landscape around you. After all, the education world doesn’t stand still so neither should your marketing!

Shocking Secret #10: Throw Away Your Marketing Plan

Have you heard of the phrase agile marketing? It is a phrase that is being used quite a lot in marketing circles at the moment and, in simple terms, it means that your most effective marketing activities will be those that respond quickly to topical news stories or events, and not those that can be planned in advance.

I recently wrote a blog that looked at 3 cracking examples of agile marketing and I would urge you to have a read. Not only will these examples make you smile, but they will also give you some fantastic ideas about how to be agile in your marketing to schools. Here’s a link to the blog:

I hope you enjoy having a read of that. Next up will be Ben with shock #11.

Marketing to Schools Selling to Schools Emailing Teachers Schools Marketing Marketing Strategy Selling to Teachers UK Schools Marketing How to Sell to Schools

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