Overcoming Cynicism Tip #5: Be a Real Person

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #5: Be a Real Person

My final tip for overcoming cynicism in your marketing to schools is to ensure that your message looks like it’s coming...

My final tip for overcoming cynicism in your marketing to schools is to ensure that your message looks like it’s coming...

John Smith
John Smith
Published: 11th July 2013

My final tip for overcoming cynicism in your marketing to schools is to ensure that your message looks like it’s coming from a real 3-dimensional human being.

We all prefer to communicate with a fellow human being (just remember what a turn off it is when you phone a customer service hotline only to have your query processed by a machine). It’s the same with a marketing email; If you don't give your email that 'human touch' then it's much easier for teachers to dismiss it as a cynical marketing email from a faceless sales company.

Your email to teachers stands a much better chance of engaging its audience if it is sent from a real person instead of an impersonal company address and if it utilises a simple plain text style and has a conversational message.

You can start incorporating these 5 tips right now... they don’t require any extra effort or investment on your part, but they will radically improve your marketing to schools. The marketing world is evolving rapidly and you cannot afford not to evolve with it.

Making your marketing lovable is the biggest challenge you face when selling to schools today. You have to overcome the common perception of marketing as something aggressive and untrustworthy. It might be simple but it will put you streets ahead of the competition!

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Marketing to Schools

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